Articles by Jim Lindell
Visit Jim's Blog (Thor's Hammer)for practical business and economic observations.
Hang tough - How to be more resilient in business (BizTimes Oct. 2022)
Leadership: How would you redesign your business? (BizTimes Feb 2022)
Here come the Robots (BizTimes June 2021)
Surprise lessons learned from COVID-19 (BizTimes Jan. 2021)
The importance of alignment (BizTTimes Feb 2020)
How to keep your business on course: To survive, never stop learning (BizTimes May 2019)
Sustainability tests - Evaluate the longevity of your business (BizTimes Sep 2018)
Little decisions, big results (BizTimes Feb 2018 )
Be prepared for whatever could go wrong - Identify threats you are facing today (June 2017)

Threat or Opportunity? Evaluate if robots can help your business grow? (BizTimes - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin October 2016)
What's in it for them?: How to boost employee engagement (BizTimes - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin December 2015)
Hoshin Kanri (Toolshero - August 25, 2015)
The CFO's job is to say 'yes!' (MNCPA - August 2015)
What do Employees Want? (Journal of Accountancy - Auguest 6, 2015)
Keep an eye on the competition: Don't let them put you out of business (BizTimes - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin March 2015)
Project and Change Management for Controllers (Corporate Finance Insider - AICPA. January 8, 2015)
Advance to the next level: How to move through the stages of a company's growth (Biz Times - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin July 2014)
Six Basics for the one page Business or Strategic Plan
(CGMA Newsletter - May 2014)
Beware of Corporate Espionage
(Biz Times - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin August 2013)
Do the Right Thing - Business Ethics
(Biz Times - Milwaukee and Southeastern Wisconsin October 2012)
Reinventing the Office with Lean
(WICPA - 2010)
Running out of Gas - Contingency Planning (Journal of Accountancy - May 2006)
How to Prevent a Company from Failing
(Business Watch - Dane County 2005)
Profits in Not-for-Profit Organizations
Economy Perspective: Watch the Railroads
The Economy, Roller Coasters and Management
Other Articles - quoting Jim Lindell
10 Forces changing the Role of the Controller (PICPA - CPA Now - July 27, 2015)
Transforming the Controller from Manager to Leader (PICPA - CPA Now - July 20, 2015)
Strategic Planning Leads List of Finance Priorities by Ken Tysiac (CGMA - Jan. 2014)
Every Successful business needs updated plan (Sherman & Armbruster, LLP May 2014)
The Top Priorities for Finance in 2014 by Jack Hagel (Questia for Academic Journal Article - Journal of Accountancy)
What's your Z-Score by Harry Dennis (Biztimes - 10-31-2008)
It's Time for a Customer Scorecard by Matt Kirchner (Products Finishing April 2006)